Discovering My Family

A few years ago I became curious about my heritage. History had become more interesting to me and one day it hit me that I really didn't know anything about my family history. I found out things I never knew about my family. Everything from being a Mayflower passenger descendant to having a grandmother who was an accused witch. The best part of these discoveries is that their family is well documented. The rest of the family, not so much. Once I made it back a few generations, the wheels fell off. I had a grandpa, great uncle, great-grandpa, and cousin all named Robert Henry. Most of them married a woman named Mary. They immigrated from Scotland where there were hundreds more of this named pair. Death certificates are major if you can find them. I wrote Dear Grandmas because I could not think of any women who could be more inspirational than my foremothers. Each of their stories is unique and heartwarming. Their struggles and triumphs are the reason ...